Thursday, 24 July 2008

I Am Who I Am Because Of Everyone

I love the new TV Advert from Orange, where a guy talks about the people he has connected with during his life & who have helped define who he is. One of the best ads I've seen for a while, and it's definitely struck a chord with me. A little bit twee? Possibly, but I like it.

I'll shut up already and let the script tell the story..........

I am my Mum ... and my sister. I am my best friend Mike, who I have known since school. I am Kate, who is still somewhere in Thailand. I am all the girls I've ever kissed ... and the girls I will. I am the teacher that failed me, and the one that spurred me on. I am my bosses, and every one of my friends. I am a bloke I'll meet travelling, who'll teach me the guitar. I am the places I go to with mates, and the jokes I share with them. I am the people who put me down ... and the ones who pick me up. I am who I am, because of everyone.

It's based on a quote by George Matthew Adams, who once said:

There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.


Simon said...

I refuse to take responsibility for your window licking, special bus riding, dribbling, pants crapping, gym seat sniffing f*cked up personality.

Of course, I'm just kidding, I think you're fabulous.

Anonymous said...

"I am who I am because of everyone" - What a bloody wrong concept of identity.

It shows that the person who made up the slogan can't place boundaries on his own identity - a sign of psychosis.

A person is who they are because of their personality traits, memories, ideas, the sense of self, consciousness, etc. NOT because of external factors or others' identities.

It doesn't take a philosophy professor to understand what identity is.

"A is A".

Anonymous said...

i think that slogan is awsom.

makes me think wat kind of a person i am and y m i that person and the answere is beacuse of eveyone.

thnkx to who ever wrote this slogan,,,,


Anonymous said...

"A is A". I agree... but the nature of A is A is influenced by the rest of the alphabet. If A is A, A is not B. If B didn't exist, the statement "A is not B" is no longer valid and thereby changes the nature of A, i.e. "not B'. Same is true if we the alphabet was different so that B was a different fictional character. (Sorry for the philosophical tangent).

We ARE who we are because of everyone around us. If they weren't there or were different, the nature of us would be changed, perhaps not in an obvious way, but changed nonetheless. Imagine if your mother died just after you were born, you would be different.

The slogan is pretty damn cool... all I can say is that the person who came up with it must have got a small fortune in bonuses. :)

Unknown said...

Other famous 'I am's :
"I am the greatest" - Mohammed Ali
"I am what I am" - Gloria Gaynor
"I am the walrus" - John Lennon
"I am Kloot" - a band
"I am Spartacus" - from Spartacus
I am Brian and so's my wife" from - Life of Brian
"Iams" - cat food

Simon said...

No, I'M Spartacus

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this, and for pointing out the George Adams origin, which I hadn't previously spotted.

I occasionally lecture on Buddhist-related topics, and have used this ad as an illustration of the inextricable relationship of self and environment. Maybe I should get Orange to sponsor my lectures! :D

It's a shame that more advertising can't be inspirational like this. I hope the campaign is a great success for Orange.